Juli Widiyanto, Silvia Elki Putri, Yeni Yarnita, Pratiwi Gasril, Firnan Alansyah

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Introduction : Anxiety is a premonition of a terrible situation that will occur and is a preparation for action but in reality it does not occur, there is indeed no object or situation that must be avoided, to overcome anxiety the technique that can be used is in the form of health education based on psychoreligious counseling.The purpose of health education is to provide an understanding to be able to reduce anxiety in chronic wound patients in independent wound care practices in Pekanbaru City. Method: Activities devotion This done as many as 3 stages for 2 weeks . Stages activity that is pre orientation , orientation , activities (2 sessions ), and termination . Activities This Already implemented in practice independent maintenance wounds in the city Pekanbaru . Number participant in activity namely 30 people. Counseling Psychoreligious carried out and assisted by the facilitator with time 55- 60 minutes each session meeting . Evaluation done through interviews and questionnaires depression from DASS 42. Result: The results of community service through counseling that have been carried out in the independent wound care practice in Pekanbaru City prove that health counseling based on psychoreligious counseling is effective in reducing anxiety levels. This can be seen from the results of the analysis, there is a difference in the average decrease in anxiety before and after the intervention in the intervention group with a mean difference of 2.800. In the control group there is a difference with a mean difference of -0.330. Conclusion : health counseling based on psychoreligious counseling is effective in reducing anxiety levels in chronic wound sufferers.

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