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Introduction: An elderly individual has different motivation from each other in attending elderly education program. Good/high motivation encourages elderly individuals to participate in or engage with elderly education program. Elderly education programs are one of the efforts to provide education for older adults. Elderly education programs are an informal education concept designed specifically for older adults. Objective: The purpose of this research is to understand the motivation of elderly individuals in participating in the Al-Ikhwaniyah Elderly Education Program in Delima Village, Bina Widya District, Pekanbaru City. Method : The type of service used is in the form of socialization. Data was collected through questionnaire results with a total of 32 elderly respondents. Results: Evaluation of success was assessed using questionnaires, observation sheets and interviews. The results of the service showed an increase in the average motivation score for elderly people in attending elderly schools, namely from 68.8% to 75%. Conclusion: There was an increase in elderly motivation for attending elderly schools after socialization regarding elderly schools was carried out.
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