Diabetes awareness and care management is still a major challenge faced by stakeholders around the world. Lack of knowledge about diabetes management is still widely reported in many studies, especially from developing countries. Knowledge of diabetes, especially in terms of food management, can improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the burden on the family. Diet Education is a program to increase knowledge and skills of diabetics, especially with regard to planning the diet consumed by diabetics every day so that self-care increases and ultimately the quality of life of diabetics and their families can also increase. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and skills of diabetes in diabetes management by planning a balanced diet. This service is carried out in the form of counseling and training on procedures for managing diabetes with a balanced diet planning approach. Health education methods used are lectures, questions and answers, and demonstrations. The results of the activity showed that the goal was achieved where participants experienced an increase in knowledge and understanding as well as skills in planning a balanced diet. The results of the evaluation showed that 85% of the participants had the right knowledge and skills. Participants are able to choose and adjust the diet according to the dietary rules for people with diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: diet education, diabetes mellitus, diabetesi
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