Sumarni Sumarni, Adinda Putri Sari Dewi, Rosmawati Rosmawati, Siti Mutoharoh, Fitria Prabandari

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Prenatal yoga can provide benefits, including increasing the chances of a pregnant woman giving birth normally, reducing the incidence of prolonged labor, reducing stress and injuries during childbirth. The purpose of this activity is to provide a platform for pregnant women in Selokerto Village, Sempor District, Kebumen Regency so that they can improve their health and prepare for normal births through prenatal yoga classes for pregnant women. The method used in this service is lectures and prenatal yoga exercises with gymball. Data was collected by using a cadre knowledge questionnaire about prenatal yoga. The number of respondents in this activity amounted to 20 health cadres. Evaluation of activities was carried out using pre-test and post-test. The level of pre-test knowledge of health cadres about prenatal yoga is mostly in the sufficient category, which is 50%, while the post-test knowledge level of health cadres is mostly in the good category, which is 80%. Conclusion: Increased knowledge of health cadres from before and after prenatal yoga counseling and prenatal yoga classes have been formed.

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