The Covid-19 pandemic has hit almost all countries in the world. Yogyakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has also been affected by Covid-19. The government made various prevention efforts in order to break the chain of transmission of the Corona virus, including the policy of maintaining physical distance, working from home, studying from home. In this situation the role and function of the family becomes important in protecting, socializing and teaching family members to always wash their hands, wear a mask and don't crowd. The family also plays a role in recognizing, making decisions, caring for, modifying the environment, and utilizing health service facilities if a family member is infected. Therefore, strengthening family functions must continue to be improved in an effort to suppress the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this community service is to increase the resilience and welfare of a holistic and integrative family, as well as to strengthen character in understanding the 8 family functions. The service method begins with situation analysis, problem identification, goal setting, problem solving planning, social approach, activity implementation, and evaluation. The results showed that there was a collaboration with the head of Dukuh Sonosewu, the formation of a Working Group to strengthen 8 family functions, the availability of infrastructure, posters installed, and a whatsapp group that discussed problems arising from Covid-19. The conclusion is that families have a holistic increase in resilience and well-being in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
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