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Background: The implementation of the School Health Business (UKS) program has not touched and accommodated all the problems that may be experienced by adolescents during puberty. Through teachers, young people must also be given information and teaching on how to protect themselves from various possible risks of reproductive health problems. The teacher's lack of understanding to answer practical problems related to reproductive health and the use of inappropriate vocabulary in explaining reproductive health causes teachers to lack confidence when explaining. Training of teachers and health service providers needs to be carried out, so that they feel confident about the topics to be discussed, support, not judge and are able to provide accurate and complete information. Objective: to improve adolescent reproductive health through optimizing the role of Puskesmas and teachers in schools by implementing reproductive health extracurricular programs in schools. Methods: Implementation of adolescent reproductive health programs by providing training to UKS teachers/officers, who will later serve as program facilitators/resources. Result: there is a significant difference in the knowledge aspect of pre-test and post-test with p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). The mean difference between pre-test and post-test was 23.13 (95% CI: 20.82-25.45). Conclusion: Program implementation has been proven to increase the knowledge of UKS teachers/officers in understanding reproductive health and its implementation to the needs of primary and secondary school students (early adolescents).
Keywords: Program implementation; Extracurricular; Reproduction health
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