Eksekusi Putusan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Studi Kasus Putusan 43/G.TUN/2011/P.TUN.Mks.
= https://doi.org/10.26753/jlr.v1i2.817
Abstract views = 146 times | views = 52 times
The decisions of the State Administrative Court that can be made are decisions that already have a permanent legal force that cannot be changed again through legal remedies. This journal discusses how the mechanism for monitoring and implementation of executions in the scope of the State Administrative Court in the case of TUN Decision 43/G.TUN/2011/P.TUN.Mks. along with the obstacles. This journal uses normative legal research methods based on secondary materials and data. The results of the study definition of execution, its implementation has the meaning of the word cancellation of state administrative decisions issued by previous administrative officials and then disputed. The cancellation was followed by rehabilitation, administrative sanctions, and the payment of a sum of money. Then in the case of TUN decision 43/G.TUN/2011/P.TUN.Mks. The Governor of South Sulawesi did not heed the TUN's decision in canceling SK No. 2424/VII/2011 which is marked by not taking any action by the Governor of South Sulawesi. So the next action that can be taken is to refer to the revision of Law no. 51 of 2019, namely administrative officials are subject to sanctions in the form of forced payment of a sum of money and announced in the local print media.
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