Use of RTS Vaccine as Prevention Malaria in Children

Nuning juni setia ningsih, Wulan Rahmadhani

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Malaria cases are found almost all over the world, especially countries with tropical and subtropical climates, therefore, the population at risk for malaria is estimated at 2.3 billion or 41% of the world's population. As many as 35% of the world's population live in areas that are at risk of transmission of Plasmodium falciparum, and about 1 billion people live in areas that are at low risk and there is still transmission of Malaria.The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the results of a previous study on the use of the RTS vaccine for malaria prevention in children.

Method:  The method used is a literature review. In the first stage, it starts by straightening the article usingsearch enginePubmed and Google scholar. The keywords used in the article search are" malaria, children, vaccines, RTS”.Results:From the article, it was found that the use of RTS vaccine to prevent the incidence of malaria is a promising approach considering the increasing number of drug resistance. This vaccine has an efficacy of 80% for the prevention of parasite invasion in the preerythrocytic stage. Conclusion: The use of RTS vaccine is effective for malaria prevention efforts.

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