Retno Tris Tanti

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Background:Adolescence is a period of rapid growth both physical, psychological and intellectual, including the proficiency and need for the internet. One of the purposes of internet use for teenagers is to access social media. There are various negative behaviors that arise in adolescents due to the use of technology that makes it easier for internet access Such behaviors include sexual behavior. Adolescent sexual problems are a global research issue, because although biologically adolescents are able to reproduce, sexual behavior among adolescents can result in a variety of long-term negative consequences. The purpose of this study is to analyze and summarize the results of one another's research on the role of social media on sexual activity in adolescents.
Results: From all journals that have been reviewed and taken as literature obtained that there is a relationship between the role of social media to sexual activity in adolescents.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the role of social media in sexual activity in adolescents.

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Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Health Sciences (JSRHS)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong

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