Age Factors that Affect Pregnant Mothers Ability to Have an Abortion

Wulan Rahmadhani, Dessi Irwanti Mustofa, Khofifah Intan Setiawan, Medzelia Efenti Lestari, Adinda Putri Sari Dewi, Eka Noviryana

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Background: Abortion is one of the problems in the world that affects the health, morbidity and mortality of pregnant women. The effect of abortion is the expulsion of the products of conception that occurs at <20 weeks of gestation, and the fetal weight is less than 500 grams. The bad impact of abortion if it is not treated quickly and appropriately will increase the maternal mortality rate caused by complications from abortion, namely bleeding perforation, infection and shock.Objective: To find out whether the age factor affects the incidence of abortion in pregnant women.Methods:The research method used is a literature review by looking for related articles from several search engines, including Pubmed and Google Scholar. The search was conducted using keywords: age, abortion. Pregnant women, pregnant women, miscarriages.Result: This literature study shows 10 articles that mention the age factor that greatly influences the incidence of abortion in pregnant women. Pregnant women aged 20-35 years have a higher risk than those aged 35 years and over.Conclusion: Factors that contribute to the occurrence of abortion in pregnant women are caused by several factors, one of which is the age factor. In the preparation of this literature review, there are 10 articles that will be used and found that discuss the history of abortion with the incidence of abortion in pregnant women. And it was concluded that there was an influence of age/age factors with the incidence of abortion in pregnant women where it is known that the older the mother is at risk in pregnancy, the higher the risk of miscarriage in the mother's pregnancy.

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