Managing large documents demands efficiency, accuracy, and transparency is a key requirement for many organisations. However, the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office still relies on slow and error-prone manual methods in the management of Employee Income Supplement (TPP). Every month, physical documents from various schools in 17 districts/cities must be recorded, scanned and stored, causing delays and making it difficult to search and report data. As the number of documents increases, this manual approach becomes increasingly ineffective, hampering TPP administration. This research aims to build a document archiving information system to simplify the process of managing and storing TPP documents at the South Sumatra Education Office. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and case studies. Software development is carried out using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, which consists of three stages: Requirements Planning, RAD Design Workshop, and Deployment. This method resulted in a web-based application that facilitates the uploading of TPP files by ASNs from SMAN, SMKN, SLBN, and the Education Office of South Sumatra Province. This application has been tested using the black box testing method. The test results show that all application functions run well and meet user needs, so it is expected to improve the efficiency and accuracy of TPP document management.
Document Archiving, Information System, TPP, Rapid Application Development, South Sumatra Education Office.
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