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The involvement of the family for baby care in the NICU can be done through family-centered care. Hal ini penting untuk membantu bayi risiko tinggi beradaptasi dengan lingkungan ekstrauterin. It is essential to help high-risk infants adapt to the extrauterine environment. Manfaat perawatan berpusat pada keluarga di NICU banyak ditemukan namun penerapannya di pelayanan kesehatan Indonesia masih terbatas. The benefits of family-centered care in the NICU are found but its application in Indonesia is still limited health services. Penelitian sebelumnya mengungkapkan salah satu tantangan penerapan perawatan berpusat apda keluarga adalah perbedaan persepsi tenaga kesehatan dan keluarga tentang perawatan berpusat pada keluarga. Previous studies revealed that one of the challenges of the implementation of family-centered care are differences in perception of health workers and families.
Tujuan: Untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi tenaga kesehatan dan keluarga mengenai perawatan berpusat pada keluarga dalam perawatan bayi risiko tinggi di RSUD Kebumen.tHtThis study is to explore the perceptions of health professionals and families on family-centered care in the treatment of high-risk infants in hospitals Kebumen. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di ruang PERISTI RSUD Kebumen selama periode Juli 2014-Agustus 2014 menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenolo
The study was conducted at room PERISTI Kebumen Hospital during the period July 2014-August 2014 using a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach. Partisipan penelitian adalah 6 perawat, 6 keluarga bayi dan 2 orang dokter spesialis anak yang dipilih dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tekhnik wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Study participants were 6 nurses, 6 families, and 2 pediatricians selected by purposive sampling technique. Methods of data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Analisis data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Coallizi. Data analysis was performed in this study using the theory Coallizi with OpenCode version software.
The result show that Perceptions of health workers on family-centered care is care that involves families. Keluarga memiliki persepsi bahwa keterlibatan keluarga dalam perawatan bayi bermanfaat bagi bayi, keluarga, dan tenaga kesehatan. Health workers and families have the perception that family involvement in infant care beneficial for babies, families, and health professionals. Implementasi perawatan berpusat pada keluarga meliputi keterlibatan keluarga dalam perawatan bayi, pemberian informasi, dan persetujuan tindakan. Implementation of family-centered care includes family involvement in infant care, provision of information, and approval actions. Dukungan dalam perawatan bayi berasal dari rumah sakit, tenaga kesehatan, dan keluarga. Barriers to implementation of family-centered care is the unavailability of the family waiting room. Support comes in baby care from hospitals, health professionals, and families.
Keywords: family-centered care, high-risk infants
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