IGAA Sherlyna Prihandhani, Made Oktaviani Bulan Trisna

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Naturally, the elderly will experience various setbacks and physical declines. The decline in ability will be influenced by the quality of the function of the body's organs so that the decrease in ability can cause the elderly to be prone to problems. Falls that occur in the elderly are serious events that can bring many consequences. Injuries, fear of falls, decreased functional abilities, fractures, head trauma, and even death can be caused by falls.

The purpose of this study is to know the influence of elderly yoga to reduce the risk of falling in the elderly in Sembung Village. The design of this study was a pre-experimental design one group pre test-post test. Using the Mann Whitney test, a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study showed that there was an effect of giving elderly yoga to reduce the risk of falling in the elderly in Sembung Village p<0.001. Giving Yoga can improve static balance in the elderly. And it is recommended to the elderly to apply yoga exercises to maintain balance.


Elderly, Risk of Falling, Yoga Elderly

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