Nur Wakhidah, Wulan Rahmadhani, Adinda Putri Sari Dewi, Eka Novyriana

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Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a dangerous disease that spreads quickly. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to being infected with COVID-19 than those who are not pregnant. This can result in unfavorable conditions for both the mother and baby, for example, pre-term birth, pre-eclampsia, cesarean section, and even maternal death.

Method: This study used a literature review by searching for articles related to complications of pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19. Articles were obtained through search engines such as Pubmed and Google Scholar.

Results: Some studies revealed that cases of pregnancy complications in pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 were associated with some adverse effects for the mother such as premature birth, preeclampsia, cesarean section, and even maternal death.

Conclusion: Based on the results of the review, most pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 experiences respiratory problems, because the virus attacks the respiratory tract causing the lungs and heart to work harder. Therefore, pregnant women with Covid-9 are vulnerable to delivering their babies prematurely and having a cesarean section. Besides, if pregnant women have complications or co-morbidities, it will worsen the situation and even can cause death.

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