Eni Indrayani Indrayani, Hastin Ika Indriyastuti, Ika Findi Julianti

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Background: The postpartum period was a phase experienced by every woman after giving birth. This postpartum period lasted from the time the placenta was delivered until 6 weeks after birth or 42 days after birth. Visits during childbirth were often considered unimportant by health workers because they felt good and the process proceeded smoothly. One bridge to optimize postnatal education efforts was through family involvement. Mothers with family support through the implementation of family-centered maternity care (FCMC) were expected to have optimal abilities in adapting maternally during the postpartum period, as well as the ability to care for babies; Method: This scientific paper employed quantitative research, with a causal study design, which was a method applied to understand individuals more deeply by practicing it in an integrative and comprehensive manner. It was carried out for 2 weeks by providing knowledge using booklets as auxiliary media. Respondents were 5 people in the postpartum mother category with a history of giving birth to their first child and were obtained through observation and documentation; Results: From the application of education to postpartum mothers using booklets for 5 respondents (100%), there was a change from the pre-test assessment, which was sufficient, to the post-test assessment, which changed to good; Conclusion: The application of family-centered maternity care education to postpartum mothers through booklets increased knowledge to be good;

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