Eka Novyriana

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Background: In Asia, perineal lacerations are quite a problem in society, 50% of perineal ruptures occur in the world. Maternity mothers who experience perineal lacerations in Indonesia at the age of 25-30 years is 24%, while for mothers aged 32-39 years it is 62%.

Objective: Applying Perineal Massage and Pelvic Rocking to reduce the incidence of rupture perineal

Method: This study uses descriptive research, data collection techniques in the form of primary and secondary data. Participants in this care were pregnant women with a gestational age of more than 36 weeks, a total of 3 participants

Result: After applying perineal massage and pelvic rocking, there was an effect of perineal massage and pelvic rocking on the occurrence of rupture perineal

Conclusion: From the results of applying perineal massage and pelvic rocking to the three participants, none of them experienced perineal rupture.

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