Factors Affecting Balanced Nutrition In Babies And Toddlers

Eka Novyriana, Prihantinni Tina Irtanti, Prihantinni Tina Irtanti, Vivi Virgianty Sumaji, Nichen Sindyana Susilo, Nichen Sindyana Susilo, Wulan Rahmadhani, Adinda Putri Sari Dewi

= https://doi.org/10.26753/jsrhs.v1i2.707
Abstract views = 621 times | views = 93 times


The problems that exist in a nutrition will cause a limited level of ability possessed by children where these abilities can encourage each child to develop the potential that exists within him. There are several factors that are the main causes of malnutrition in children under five and infants which need to be investigated further in order to obtain interventions that are appropriate to solve all problems in dealing with the problem of unbalanced nutrition suffered by infants and toddlers. This research is specifically aimed at understanding all the factors related to the problem of malnutrition in infants and toddlers. The approach used in this study focuses on the literature review method where this method leads to the search for several journals which of course have a relationship with the problems studied in this study. There are several references that have been set by the author, which include search engines in the form of Google Scholar and also Pubmed where to facilitate data search, journal searches are carried out by entering keywords including "nutrition, growt and development, toddler, baby, infant, balanced nutrition". This study produces data where it is shown that there are several factors that are quite influential in the level of nutritional balance in infants or toddlers where these factors include the role of a mother in understanding all knowledge about nutrition in infants or toddlers, education provided, economic conditions and social status, work of the father or mother, to the history of breastfeeding given. There are important points in multidimensionality that can affect the level of nutritional balance in infants and toddlers, thus an intervention is needed from several parties to carry out the management of the level of malnutrition suffered by infants and toddlers.

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