High Risk Pregnancy at The Sempor Health Center

eka riyanti

= https://doi.org/10.26753/jsrhs.v1i2.789
Abstract views = 186 times | views = 39 times


Background: A high-risk pregnancy is one of greater risk to the mother or her fetus than an uncomplicated pregnancy. So, it needs a health monitor system optimally. Objective: Analysing the factors of high-risk pregnancy in the public health center of Sempor Sub-district. Method: This study used a descriptive design and frequency distribution to show the result of this study. Results: This study involved 112 respondents. There were 75 respondents had low-risk pregnancy (67,0 %), 24 respondents had high-risk pregnancy (21.4 %), 13 respondents had very high-risk pregnancies (11,6 %). Then there were 11 respondents had pregnancy history (9,8%), 7 respondents (6,3%) had history of childbirth, 9 respondents (8,0%) had complications after childbirth. Conclusion: High-risk pregnancy in Public Health Center of Sempor Sub-district were 24 respondents whereas most pregnancy histories were 11 respondents. Recommendations: For further study will be expected  to explore the factors of high-risk pregnancies.

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