Reducing Anxiety Level in the Active Phase with Murottal Therapy and Respiratory Relaxation

Dyah Puji Astuti

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Background: Labor pain can lead to complications which can be fatal for the mother. This is because the pain causes the uterus to tighten so that the blood flow and oxygen entering the uterine muscle are decreasing. It will result in the decreasing oxygen supply to the fetus. To overcome this, non-pharmacological method can be applied by conducting murottal therapy and breathing relaxation technique. To know the application of murotal therapy and breathing relaxation technique for reducing anxiety level of giving birth mothers in the first active phase.; Method: This study is a qualitative descriptive qualitative with a case-study approach. The respondents were 3 giving birth mothers. Data were obtained from interviews and observation. The instruments were observation sheet, HARS scale; Results After having the application of murottal therapy and breathing relaxation technique, there was a decrease in the anxiety level of all respondents: from score 12 to score 6 (respondent 1), from score 9 to score 4 (respondent 2), and from score 16 to score 10 (respondent 3). Conclusion: Murottal therapy and breathing relaxation technique can reduce the anxiety level of giving birth mothers at the first active phase

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