Ida Betanursanti, Khoerul Rizal Maldini

Abstract views = 496 times | views = 86 times


The packaging used as a silent salesman to attract consumer attention. Mbah Man's UMKM sells various snack products and has not implemented packaging as a silent salesman. This study aims to identify information on the packaging characteristics of Mbah Man's UMKM products, mushrooms crispy and to determine the packaging design that has sale value.

The method for packaging design uses value engineering which consists of a five-phase job plan, namely the information stage, the creative stage, the analysis stage, the development stage, and the presentation stage. The information stage is carried out by identifying needs packaging, material characteristics, quality and packaging function. The identification needs packaging stage is the core stage in a packaging design. The creative stage makes alternative packaging designs including logos, background colors, text colors, images and product images. The analysis stage performs an analysis of the value-for-sale packaging function. The development stage assesses the packaging based on cost. The presentation stage determines the best packaging design results according to the assessment needs packaging. Furthermore, the validity test was carried out on the results of the mushroom crispy packaging which were of sale value.

            Based on the results of the validity test with an r value of 0.05, it was stated that need was packaging valid as a variable that had an effect on packaging design. The five obtained needs are packaging, namely: attractive, strong, informative, easily recognizable and unique. After being designed in accordance with the needs packaging that are of sale value, the packaging is made of paper a bowl with specifications has a product name with 11.8 pt font on the lid and 17.4 pt on the container, the color background used is red (C: 185 M: 52 K: 55 (# B93437)), product logo image mushroom product image crispy, and mushroom motifs

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