Triga Agus Sugiarto, Briliant Salsabila

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Technological advances are in line with the increasingly developing civilization of the era. Information technology can help people to get notifications quickly and accurately, so that advances in information technology have a good effect on human survival. Information technology can also be beneficial for companies or business entities. Many companies or business entities utilize the internet by creating a website to support their needs. In addition, they also expect to get a fast, relevant, and accurate information system. A fast information system can help business owners to manage and develop their businesses. One business that can be run with the help of computers and the internet is the buying and selling business. Now, online buying and selling is very popular with the Indonesian people. This makes it easier for business owners to innovate in managing and developing online buying and selling transactions by creating a website. Therefore, the Muslim clothing store "Jati Mulyo" was created to manage the sales system using the web engineering method. The use of the web engineering method can help in providing the functionality and systems needed so that it can create effective communication.


store, demand, system, selling, bussiness

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