Siti Hanna Tria Agustin, Ruliansyah Ruliansyah

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Advances in information technology encourage the application of digital systems in various sectors, including government administration. One important innovation is the development of a Guest Book Information System designed for the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office. This system replaces manual recording with a web-based platform that is more efficient, accurate, and easily accessible. The system records guest data including name, address, telephone number, agency, purpose of visit, and time of arrival, and can only be accessed by internal officers. The development of this system uses the Waterfall method, which includes the stages of needs analysis, design, implementation, and testing. UML diagrams such as Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, and Class Diagram are used to model the system in a structured manner. The system implementation succeeded in improving operational efficiency with key features such as data recording, searching, automatic reports, and report printing. The test results show that the system fulfils user needs, both in data recording and reporting. This system not only improves work efficiency, but also supports digital transformation in the government environment. Development recommendations include integration with other systems and user training to maximise the benefits of the system.


Information System, Guest Book, Waterfall, Digital Administration, Education Office

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